
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Try New Things (TNT) Thursday: Buttonholes!

Sample to try buttonholes. I didn't have any interfacing handy, so I turned the fabric over twice (four layers). The buttonhole will automatically size to the button (very cool)!
A quilter can survive without ever learning how to do buttonholes! I have been one of those quilters, but as I flit around blogland I see all these cool projects with buttonholes. I just love the quilted pillows with the buttons on the back. I am making pillows for Christmas, so I thought I would give it a try!
I choose the buttonhole that my manual said was for lightweight material

Marked the top/start of the buttonhole.
The buttonhole foot just snaps on. Center your mark in the opening.

There is a little grey tab/bar that you need to pull down. This will let the machine know how to size the buttonhole.


Use snips or a sharp seam ripper to cut open the hole.

The buttons fit perfectly

I love these "antique" buttons.

This was really easy! I have know idea why I was so nervous about trying this. Fancy, smancy pillows, here I come!

I'm linking up with the wonderful Melissa at Happy Quilting for TNT Thursday. I can't wait to see what wonderful things everyone else is trying this week!

Color Me Quilty!


P.S. If you need some ideas for Christmas gifts for quilters, check out Lily's Quilts.

Christmas Gifts for Quilters


  1. Yay for trying new things! I finally attempted a buttonhole with my machine not long ago, too. I was amazed at how simple it was. I almost want to make a new shower curtain so I can make a bunch of buttonholes!

  2. I love the buttonhole feature on my machine. It is not near as fancy as yours but it sure beats my old machine (the one I got when I was 16) that didn't even have a buttonhole attachment. You just had to make them on your own with a zig zag stitch. Yours look great and I agree, those antique buttons are super cute :)

  3. That's a gorgeous machine-stitched buttonhole!

  4. Congrats! Easy with your machine it looks like. Now you can have fun adding buttons.

  5. I have yet to do a buttonhole... What machine do you have? It looks exactly like my mother's brother embroidery machine!

  6. Great job on the button holes! Are we going to be seeing a rash of new projects with buttons from you?!!

  7. My button-holer doesn't like me. I can't figure out how to work it. The book that came with the machine sucks. Maybe I'll take another go at it sometime, you inspire me! Thanks!

  8. Fun! I use a 50 year old machine, no button hole option for me! Glad you tried it out to great success :D

  9. I have one of those contraptions and it terrifies me...I must have a go. I love those antique buttons too. Well done for TSN!

  10. Great buttonhole! :-) I have one of those fancy buttonhole features on my machine as well, but I have yet to try it. Maybe I will now that I see how easy it can be. And I agree with you... antique buttons are amazing!
