
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Beware! I'm Going to Use the "F" Word!

Yes, it's true, I'm not going to lie about it! Today is my birthday, I'm FIFTY! There, I've typed the "F" word! I will say though that I got a nifty new camera, a Cannon PowerShot. It's still a point and shoot, but it takes much nicer close-up shots. Now I'll be able to take better pictures of all the quilting challenges this coming year!

I did machine embroider some hand towels for my husband's co-workers at the Post Office, yesterday. They are part of an inside joke.

The Post Mistress was telling me she hated called my husband in on short notice, so I told her to tell him to "put on his big boy pants and get the job done!" Well, now all of the ladies he works with tease him about putting on his "big boy" pants. He thought they would think this was hilarious.

I plan to spend the day sewing, happy birthday to me!

Color Me Quilty!



  1. Happy Birthday, Pat!! Glad to hear your husband and his co-workers can have some fun!

  2. Awesome! I started following you just in time to wish you a happy birthday! Looking forward to seeing those quilts photographed with that new camera ... ok, maybe I'm not going to see so much off them, but I can imagine them in extra sharp detail! :) ... Have a great birthday and enjoy your sewing time today!!

    Giles (Touch And Sew /

  3. And a very happy birthday to you. I think you will find that inside you are still only 19, so the actual number doesn't matter.
    I have been practicing being 16 for many years now and can't say I have noticed any difference!

  4. VERY best wishes for your cameras are wonderful, mine must be the best Christmas present I EVER had xx

  5. Happy birthday! The tea towels are adorable! Enjoy your day!!!

  6. Happy belated birthday Pat!! The tea towels are great, very funny story!
