
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Eye Candy for a Quilter Balanced by Pay It Forward!

I was a very bad girl! But Hawthorne Threads had some really good deals on Cyber Monday. How could I say no???
Luscious Fabric! (No specific projects in mind, I just like it.)
Okay, so I will try to balance the decadence with something good. My friend Lisa at A Day in the Life of Raising Six Munchkins started a Pay It forward. I have seen this on some other blogs and I really like the idea. Lisa will make something for the first three people who comment on her post (only 2 right now, so go visit her) and send it to them sometime within the next year. That person will then send 3 handmade items to three people and so on. I love this idea.

Now for a sneak peek at my quilt, Cubic Rhythm. I made good progress yesterday.

Color Me Quilty!



  1. Those Lizzy House fabrics are so fun. And the stripes. Ok, all of it is! Your quilting looks fabulous, too!

  2. LOVE the colours you have chosed...stroking fabric should be made compulsary xx

  3. I am so in love with your fabric choices! It looks like it was a well-deserved splurge with all the projects you have been working on just this Christmas season alone! I can't wait to see what you make with the different stripes!

  4. What a great idea! Pay it forward. Lovely! Great fabric finds!! Love cyber Monday!
