
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Organized Heaven in 2011???

Every year I try to have a motto, as opposed to goals. This year was "Organized Heaven in Twenty Eleven". Now you have to realize that I am not organized by nature. As a matter of fact, I'm quite a messy person, but I love to work/live in a neat space. Over the past year, I have been working to figure out how to best organize the HUGE fabric stash that I inherited from my mom in September 2010. I started by putting a lot of the "smaller" pieces in several dressers. That didn't work well.
The room the dressers are in has poor lighting.

Still left to organize

Solution; "Mini Bolts" stored in a double Martha Stewart bookshelf. This represents over 175 pieces of fabric ranging in size from a fat quarter to multiple yards. Still have lots to wrap.
To make the mini bolts I got 3 packs of comic book boards.  Comic book boards are 6 3/4" X 10 1/2", acid free cardboard, in packs of 100. Each pack is about $10.00. Such a deal.

I still have a lot of organizing ahead of me. But my motto for 2012 is " All's Well in Twenty Twelve".

Happy New Year!

Color Me Quilty!



  1. Good for you! The bolts look so inviting and I bet they will inspire you now that you can easily see all of that great fabric! Happy New YearPat!!

  2. Beautiful! Mine are shoved in bins and drawers for lack of space...

    I like your motto!

  3. What a great idea!!! Thank you for sharing that one :) Happy New Years!!!

  4. good start with the organising...keep it up xx

  5. Wow...I love. I thi nk I'm going to show this to my hubby and see if I can convice him that I need a new cupboard.....
