
Monday, February 20, 2012

Cut, Trimmed and Squared!

I never seem to get as much done as I want to, but I did get things prepped for a day of sewing today! Cutting, trimming and squaring is kind of like the "eating your veggies" of the quilting process for me. Not my favorite part. But now I have 3 projects lined up:

Cut the strips for the nine patch part of my Urban Nine Patch quilt

Trimmed the edge of my Hip to Be Square/FM Sampler, ready to bind

Squared up all of the blocks for the first of my Storybook quilts. Ready to assemble.
 And since today is a holiday, I get to sew today (President's day, the celebration for the birthdays of Presidents Washington and Lincoln, for those of you outside the U.S.)!!! Yip, Yip, off to my sewing machine!

I'm linking up with Sew Happy Geek for Manic Monday today. (Which seems appropriate, because I plan on sewing like a maniac today.)

Color Me Quilty!



  1. I am in the same boat! No finishes, but plenty going on!

  2. Well preparation always helps! Can't wait to see you progress :)

  3. How clever of you to get things ready for a whole day of sewing! I'm looking forward to a week off from work, just a couple of days and than I can lock myself up in my sewing room for a week. Isn't that wonderfull?! (okay, I will have ro do some studying, but still!)

  4. I love the colours of your nine patch - they're so vibrant!
