
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fugly Fabric Giveaway WINNERS!

First an foremost I would like to thank all that entered and welcome to my new followers. I loved each and every comment, I wish I could give of some fabric to all of you.

So without further delay, the WINNER is:

Congratulations Gina, I have emailed you!

Now with that said, there were four other people who were diligent in entering this giveaway and made me smile each and every day. So, because this is my blog and it is my prerogative, I'm giving away 1+ yards of the first 3 fabrics (sorry, I only had a yard of the stripped border print) to:

  Congratulations to the four additional winners! I have emailed you all!

I would also like to say a BIG thank you to Lucy of Charm About You for hosting this great Fugly Fabric Party!

Color Me (and the Winners) Quilty!



  1. Congratulations to all the lucky winners! And thank you, Pat, for your generosity! Happy Valentine's Day! :-)

  2. You are so generous!!! Thank you so much!
    And congratulations to all the other winners.

  3. Oh I just logged on and saw that I won! Thank you so much! I'm so very excited! Thank you so much Pat, and as already mentioned you are very generous! The fabric will make into a lovely prayer quilt for someone!

  4. Thank you Pat for joining in and being so generous! Congratulations to the winners :)

  5. Good morning, Pat! I just wanted to let you know that your beautiful fabric arrived yesterday, and it is SO pretty!! Thank you so much! I have been dreaming of different patterns that I may use... I will send you a picture as soon as I get the quilt top made! :-)
