
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Try New Things (TNT) Thursday: Quilt Fusing at the Library

Can you do more than just look at books on quilting at the library? You can at the Geneva Public Library. Yesterday, I got to work with a great group of kids and get them excited about quilting. I brought in quilts, blocks and batting to let them see and touch.

Miss Tanya showed them pictures of different quilts on line.
I'm a firm believer that actually creating a quilt is better that just being lectured, so we set up fabric with fusible web already attached and set them loose to create!

And create they did! Even the librarians got into the act! Now my job is to turn this into a quilt so they can hang it in the library. I think we were quite successful, the kids were incredibly good throughout the process and even the parents asked if we could do an adult class! Considering I have never fused or taught a quilting class, I'm pleased with the outcome!

I'm linking up with the wonderful Melissa at Happy Quilting for Try New Things (TNT) Thursday.

Color Me Quilty!



  1. That is such a cool thing to do. Those little blocks look awesome. I can't wait to see them all together in a quilt.

  2. Waht a very good idea. They are our future quilters.

  3. This is amazing, what a great idea! You may have just created some new textile art addicts. Can't wait to see the finished product for the library.

  4. What a wonderful idea!!! My daughter loves to do cut outs with my fabric scraps. How fun to share it with your community. The kids look like they had a wonderful time :)

  5. That is so neat! The kids look like they were having a lot of fun and their blocks look great!!!

  6. what a great way to introduce them to the topic, I am sure thet even if they dont contiue now you have sewn a seed for the future xx

  7. That looks so cool. It's nice to see the grown ups getting involved too. =D

  8. What a great idea. I bet it was fun. Such huge smiles. :)

  9. My daughter had a great time at the quilting program. She was really excited when I showed her the pictures here. I also must say that I love how you showed the pics without showing their faces!

  10. So wonderful what you did!!! Love the blocks!

  11. I had fun learning about quilting but realize I spelled my daughter name Kayla wrong. The girls really enjoyed themselves. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us
