
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Goin' Fribbon Egg-Shaped Tutorial

Okay, raise your hand if you struggle with letting go of your ruler and control to go wonky?? I know that there are a few of you. I love wonky/improvisational blocks, but I struggle doing it. I mean, in my day job, I'm a Quality Engineer! So I guess, wonky should be my therapy - let go, be free! Most people who do wonky, just tell you to do it, but don't usually show you their process. Well, right or wrong, here's how I made my block "Goin' Fribbon Egg-Shaped"!

Scraps from my Rose Window block

I just started sewing them together

I trimmed them up as I went, so that I could add more scraps
I tried to visually keep in balanced, but not necessarily symmetrical

I used my Quick Curve Ruler to cut out the curves

I made to half "egg-shapes"

I cut the reverse out of the grey
To sew the curves, put the convex piece on top. No pins needed.

Because this block is for QuiltCon and needed to be 12.5" in one direction, I added the strips of white, green and light grey. I don't know if I would have done that without the measurement requirement, but I like the affect.
Sew there you have my version of Goin' Fribbon Egg-Shaped!

Today I'm linking up with the fabulous Melissa at Happy Quilting for TNT Thursday!
Color Me Quilty!



  1. That's really neat! Going to have to add it to my list :)

    I've never seen the quick curve ruler before, how do you size them to fit together when sewn?

  2. genius! and I love the final block. Another ruler to add to my chrimbo wish list (and it's only June!)

  3. What an amazing block! I haven't been brave enough to try anything with curves. Yours turned out gorgeous! :)

  4. I am also finding more uses for my Quick Curve ruler. Love your block!

  5. I have no problem just sewing odd pieces together and doing completely wonky. It is hard to show the process. Probably because I just try to find a piece that "fits" next every time.

  6. That's a good one. I'm going to have to try that some time. Excellent tutorial :)

  7. I have got to get me one of those quick curve rulers. I keep seeing so many cool stuff with it!

  8. Very cool. Thanks for showing us how you did that, Pat!

  9. Looks quite Mondrian, love the result!

  10. Like it a lot! And the fribbon breaking the egg is priceless.
