
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

ARGH! The Case of the Missing Foot Petal!

When I inherited my mom's sewing/quilting stuff, I brought numerous TRUCK loads of stuff to my house. It has taken over the upstairs of my house and it has taking many months, but I have gone through all of it. I have duplicates of many things, but what I don't have is two foot control petals (you know the petal that runs your machine). Both Babylocks will run with the same foot control petal and my mom only used the Ellegante for embroidery (you don't use a foot petal to embroider). So I'm sure she packed the additional petal into a box and put it in the barn at my brother's house. ARGH!!!! Normally this is not a problem, but I had to send the foot petal into the repair shop with my Ellegante. Do you know how hard it is to sew with just the start/stop button??!!
Sewing with the start/stop button!
lots of little pieces

Second row completed!
 Well, I was able to get my second row of my Urban Nine Patch completed (after a bit of cursing). Would it be rude to call the repair shop and ask how/when my machine will be done??!! I want Miss Ellie back!

I did receive something fun in the mail....
...another pack of QuiltCon fat quarters to play with from the Fat Quarter Shop. I feel another challenge block coming on!

Today I'm linking up with A Quilt Story's Fabric Tuesday!

Fresh Poppy Design

Color Me Quilty!



  1. LOL>. I have tried piecing with the start stop button....I would just quit!

  2. You make it look easy! Nice start to a beautiful quilt.

  3. Love that Urban Nine Patch! And no, it is not rude to call the repair shop, especially if they've had your machine for quite a while.

  4. I just love the Quilt Con colors. I need some!

  5. Love your quilt - it's going to be gorgeous!!! I know what you mean about the Stop/Start button. It's awkward! But I did find it useful at my last retreat when I was sewing strips. I propped me feet up on a stool and rested my legs while I pushed the button to sew. Couldn't see it working very well on piecing like you are doing though =^..^= Hope you get your pedal back soon!!!

  6. I love your urban nine patch! The colours are so vibrant. I can't imagine trying to sew without a pedal. I'd have to use the side wheel only since my machine doesn't have a start/stop button!

  7. That quilt is going to be stunning! The start stop button came in real handy when I was having back and hip pain, sitting with one foot up made it worse.

  8. It never hurts to ask so I say it wouldn't be rude at all;)

  9. That quilt will be lovely! I have never sewn with a machine that has a start stop button, so I cant imagine how hard it is ;-)
