
Saturday, September 29, 2012

I Couldn't Quite Seem to Follow the Directions

When I decided I wanted to quilt, I decided I only wanted to make stuff that I liked. Sew Cal Gal's September FMQ Challenge, by Paula Reid, has been running around my brain all month. It is a lovely motif, very traditional, just not my style. So, to keep true myself, I decided I could stitch it out if I followed the spirit of the directions, although not exactly the pattern.


I did mark the circle, but the rest is all free-hand. The center feathers are a little lopsided, but I still like the feel of this motif.

Back - a few thread blobs, but not too bad.
And this is what the pattern that I was supposed to stitch

Sou'rce Sew Cal Gal - The Stencil Company
Mine is a lot more "organic" and a little wacky, but it makes me happy. I think I will hop on over and check out everyone else's feathered circle at Sew Cal Gal September FMQ Challenge.

Color Me Quilty!



  1. Wow,makes me happy too! Love how you made it your own. Very inspiring!yt

  2. I think I like your version better!

  3. I love the organic too! It is encouraging to see that one doesnt have to "copy" always. Do what fits for you!

  4. It reminds me of some Victorian era fabric patterns I've seen, really elegant.

  5. I love your scroll-i-doo things that reach out. Very nice.

  6. Oooh, I LOVE what you did!! For me, I would have to mark your design in order to quilt it -- no way could I do that freehand. But I think you have something here, with your unstructured version of traditional designs. I'd love to see what you could do with other designs that are "not your style!"

  7. This looks great! September was such a busy month for me. I didn't even get a change to go with this.

    I like fact that you put your own spin on this :-).
