
Monday, October 29, 2012

Watch Out for Turbulence!

Well, I canceled my trip to Indianapolis, I was to fly through Washington, DC (coming home on Tuesday). The thought of sitting in an airport for days, with no power, nope, just couldn't do it! I'm a wuss! So I took this time and did a little FMQ on my Expanding Possibilities.

Maybe the thought of turbulence was on my mind when I stitched this out, but I'm quite pleased with the effect.

Back of the quilt

back of one of the birds
In life we all meet a little turbulence, we just need to learn to rise above or go around, but continue to expand our possibilities. I still have quite a bit more to quilt on this quilt, but I'm making progress.

I hope that everyone is prepared and staying safe if you are in the path of hurricane Sandy! Keep Calm and Quilt on!

Today, I'm linking up with Sew Happy Geek for Manic Monday and Plum and June for Let's Get Acquainted.
Sew Happy Geek

Plum and June
Color Me Quilty!



  1. This looks so nice Pat! Such a great quilting pattern.

  2. Wow - that is beautiful! I am so impressed with the details.

  3. Love your quilting. You did the right thing by cancelling your trip. Being stranded in an airport due to weather is no fun (been there, done that)

  4. Your quilting is amazing. The birds are a fabulous idea! Found you through Plum and June link up.

  5. I absolutely love your quilting!It's the pattern from your hand or did you find it online. I would love to try it out but can't seem to figure it out.
