
Sunday, November 4, 2012

UFO Trilogy

I have three UFO's that I REALLY need to get finished. They have been hanging over my head for far too long. I have been working on them, I'm just not that fast. Maybe it would help if I work on just one at a time, but I find I need a break in the type of quilting I'm working on, i.e. FMQ, cutting, piecing, etc.

This is my second Storybook quilt (Christmas present). I got a lot of the pieces cut yesterday. This is a QAYG quilt, so hopefully it will go together quickly!

This is a second generation UFO that I had spray basted, but the batting was 80/20 (spray doesn't work well with poly batting), I decided to add pins

Expanding Possibilities quilt that I have been FMQ forever. Lots and lots of quilting. But I am making progress.

One of the big reason for the progress on this quilt is my new Gidget 2 table. I received the insert this week. What a difference a level surface makes.

My new sewing set up! I love it!
All three projects need to be completed on or before Christmas. I think I can, I think I can! I should go quilt, but.....

Today is the first meeting of the Ithaca Modern Quilt Guild (join our group on Facebook) held at Quilters Corner in Ithaca, NY. I can't wait to meet a whole bunch of like minded quilters!

Today I'm linking up with Leah Day on the Free Motion Quilting Project for UFO Sunday!

UFO Sundays on the Free Motion Quilting Project

Color Me Quilty!



  1. At least your UFO's look like fun - beautiful colors and designs! That heart is gorgeous! And it's good that they are all in different stages of design. I have to mix it up too, from piecing to cutting to applique to quilting.....I love the FMQ you have been doing on Expanding Possibilities. It will definitely be worth your hard work when you are done! And a new Guild!!! What a wonderful opportunity to mix in and make new quilty friends :*D

  2. Beautiful projects Pat! I am going to have to put a watercolor project on my list after seeing yours. Love your quilting setup... I need to improve mine too but might start with a new machine (need a bigger throat badly!).

  3. I have table envy! Your sewing setup area is awesome! Nice quilt, too ;)

  4. Table envy! haha! I'm drooling too! That looks like a nice set up! Bravo! Love those purples. Good luck quilting!

  5. I do love your new FMQ set-up. I must get something better going than what I have and you post has encouraged me. BTW, what does "QAYG quilt" mean?

  6. You can do it! I'll be cheering you on! Are you loving your gidget table?

  7. Table envy too, but me also looking for a larger throat machine, am waiting for a quote for swopping my Bernina 440 for an 820. Think it will be still out of my league. Love the quilts, now get cracking.

  8. So great. Such a lot of work you put into your projects. Heirlooms for sure! Glad the table is working out for you. Happy "WIP". It feels good to chip away at those.
