
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

WIPping On Toward Christmas!

Do you realize it's almost December? That Christmas is less than a month away??? I am not ready. I thought that doing "less" quilty presents would make it easier, the problem is that those that I'm making are substantially bigger than the gifts I made last year. I need my head examined!

I did take some time last night to do something fun, my Leah Day "pod" homework. It's the perfect way for someone with a short attention span to quilt.

 This homework was so much fun, truly like doodling. I could definitely see doing a whole quilt like this. I'm not sure if you can tell that I used a slightly variegated green. It was King Tut thread with a 90/14 needle. It stitched really well and the heavier thread shows up nicely.  I think this may turn into a pillow - Pod Pillow.
On to other projects that I worked on this week. I did finish constructing and sandwiching all 20 of the blocks for Storybook #2 quilt. I've even started quilting them. This is a Christmas present so it will be petal to the metal to get it finished.

My stats for the week:
In-process: (3)
Purple heart wall hanging  (quilting and binding)

Elephant quilt
Storybook quilt # 2 - QAYG, quilting the blocks.

New projects: (1)
"Pod" pillow

Finished (0)
I'm linking up with  Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday and The Free Motion Quilting Project for QAL Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
Free Motion Quilt Along

Color Me Quilty!



  1. Hey, i see you are doing this quilt in a QAYG method.... what method do you use for that?

    (your pod work looks great!)

  2. It's really awesome to see your FMQ progress - great inspiration :) The paisley-ish part of your pod quilting looks so crisp! Love it!

  3. Why does December always sneak up on us?! I think it gets earlier every year! Beautiful pods Pat. You're exactly right on the short attention span - it's perfect for quilters who only want to quilt a taste of the design.

  4. Pat, it looks like you were really having fun with the Pods! They turned out great.

  5. Your quilting is getting better and better. You should be proud of your stickwithitness! It has paid off and is motivating!

  6. It really is like doodling. I never thought of it that way before, but it fits. Yours looks fabulous!
