
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Excellence vs. Perfection

 Sometimes events, projects and comments keep leading me to think about things in a certain way, developing ideas and concepts that really need discussion. Over the past week, I've received several very nice comments about my FMQ, but have said they were themselves scared to even try FMQ.  At the same time, I have had some events at work about measures of mediocrity vs. measures of excellence (note: I'm a Quality Engineer, I measure stuff for a living). Both have led me to verbalizing the difference between striving for excellence and being a perfectionist.

So let's look at the difference.

Perfectionism is the individual's belief that he or she must be perfect to be acceptable. Perfectionism is black and white with no gray area. Anything other than perfect is failure. Perfectionism is an attitude, not necessarily a behavior. In other words, two people can engage in the same behavior such as trying to win an Olympic gold medal but one can be pursuing excellence and the other is demanding perfection. The difference lies in the thought process about the goal or behavior, not in the goal or behavior itself.-Monica A. Frank, Ph.D.

The pursuit of excellence is the desire to attain a goal of excellence, to achieve at a high level, to be the best that one can be but without the demand attached to the goal or desire. Pursuing excellence may require tremendous effort and focus as well as other resources. But, unlike perfectionism, it does not demand a sacrifice of self-esteem as it tends to focus on the process of achievement rather than the outcome. - Monica A. Frank, Ph.D

Excellence vs. Perfection
Perfection is being right.
Excellence is being willing to be wrong.
Perfection is fear.
Excellence is taking a risk
Perfection is anger and frustration.
Excellence is powerful
Perfection is control
Excellence is spontaneous
Perfection is judgement
Excellence is accepting
Perfection is taking
Excellence is giving
Perfection is doubt
Excellence is confidence
Perfection is pressure
Excellence is natural
Perfection is the destination
Excellence is the journey
-author unknown

So, to everyone that aspires to be able to Free Motion Quilt - go for it, don't judge it. Relax, enjoy the process of learning, the joy of improvement, the excitement of accomplishment.

Linking up for Sew Thinky Thursday at Mommy's Nap Time

Color Me In the Pursuit of Excellence!



  1. I totally agree! So many of the classes, both on-line and in person, approach FM Quilting from a fear base, too, like "Take the Fear Out of Free-motion quilting", or "Conquer your FM fears". Even books have titles that bring "fear" and "free motion" together. If everyone who is afraid to try it would just make a bunch of small quilt sandwiches and sit down and sew for an hour or so a day, they would be amazed, and they would no longer be afraid of it!

  2. Such a great post Pat... Thank you for reminding me that the goal is improvement and wanting to do our very best. Not being perfect.

  3. Love this, thanks! I was doing FMQ every day for a week in January and actually it wasn't as bad as I imagined... but chickened out to do a "real" project and now I'm going to have start building my confidence again.

  4. That puts things into perspective. Thanks for that :-)
