
Monday, June 17, 2013

Peas, Strawberries, Spinach and Tomato Sauce

Sugar Snap Peas
As much as I would rather be quilting, sometimes you have to make hay while the sun shines. Or in other words, pick peas and strawberries when they are ready. This weekend was spend picking, stringing, hulling, washing, chopping, freezing and canning. I'm a member of a CSA (community supported agriculture). I get a share of the crops that the farm produces, fresh, organic and seasonal. Yes, it's a lot of work to put this food up for the rest of the year, but it is food I feel good about. No pesticides, chemicals or preservatives, but filled with nutrients from nature that our bodies need.

Crushed strawberries waiting for shortcake! Yum!
I also washed, chopped and froze spinach. Just think how nice that will be to put into soups and stews this winter. I also canned a batch of spaghetti sauce, unfortunately I had to use canned tomatoes. Tomatoes aren't even close to in season here, but this will hold us over until they start. I was able to add the pesto that I froze from last year. Yummy!

I hope that you all had a wonderful Father's Day weekend!

Color Me Foodie!


P.S. Here's a recipe for sugar snap peas: Wash and string peas. Preheat oven to 425 degrees (F). Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with lemon zest, minced garlic and sea salt. Roast for five minutes, stir, roast for another three to four minutes or until just starting to brown. The peas should be tender, but still crisp. Serve.  Even my carnivore husband loved these!


  1. nice! I love preserving food. I just don't get a lot of fresh food to do it with and I don't have much freezer space.

  2. Sugar snap peas are my favorite!!!! I always eat them raw because they are that good.

  3. Looks delicious! Your season is quite a bit ahead of ours. We're still forward to harvesting anything :)

  4. For canned tomatoes, if you haven't tried them, get the plum whole tomatoes they are much better tasting than the regular whole tomatoes.

  5. Yum!!! Sounds great. We're growing some of our own food this year and buying the rest from the farmer's market, our local CSA was full by the time we attempted to sign up... oops!

  6. Oh, yum. This is something that I want to do more of this year :)

  7. so great to use what comes from growing things!
