
Friday, July 26, 2013

Plugging Along on Grandma's Quilt

I seem to be a bit lazy about quilting this summer. It's hard when you live on a lake and you only get about 3 months of summer, people gravitate to your house leaving little time to quilt. And of course I do work full time. Okay, enough whining, on to quilting.

I have been quilting on my Grandma's quilt, but it's a bit repetitive and difficult to show on line.

 I've got it about half quilted. The rows of flowers take about 45 minutes or better to quilt and I'm also quilting the cross lines on the squares.
The back, showing the squares.

I'm linking up today with Leah Day for FMQ Friday, can't wait to see what everyone's been up to this week.

Free Motion Quilting Friday

Color Me Quilty!



  1. This year I am finding it more difficult to quilt after I get home from work. I am enjoying lazier summer evenings. Sigh - not good for getting finishes!

  2. I am loving my summer break! Lots of sewing going on! Just wish it was a little bit cooler. "Hugging" a quilt while FMQ in a heat wave can be a bit of a "sticky" business! ;-)
    I am loving all the diverse fabrics in your grandma's quilt.
    Bye Bye
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  3. I love the colors in that quilt!

    I agree with Esther. I am working on getting a couple of things done before the end of the month and it is HOT business sitting with half a quilt in my lap while I FMQ. Let us just say I have commandeered 3 of the box fans and they are strategically placed, all aimed at me! :D

  4. Hello Pat,

    Those colours are wonderful - proper timeless classic colours. It's alovely quilt.


  5. The quilt is so pretty - your swirly quilting fits it perfectly.

  6. I'd love to drop in enjoy your lake house for few days! We are landlocked here and our week at the beach just wasn't enough for us. ;)
    I like the quilting you are doing.

  7. Lovely, Pat! I'm also having a hard time fitting quilting into my summer schedule! I don't even live by a lake ;) I do, however, live in the woods near a really beautiful memorial park that has an awesome hiking trail that I just HAVE to hike twice a day! Hehehe! If only there were more hours in the day!

    I'm eager to see this finished!

  8. You're on a roll! Quilting is looking great!
