
Friday, September 20, 2013

FMQ Friday

I can see the light at the end of this row. I have the top border of my Layers quilt outline quilted and one section done. Only four more sections to fill-in quilt.

I wish I had more time to work on this. My husband and I are trying to get a rental house we own ready to sell. LOTS of painting, YUCK!  The rainbow at the end of that tunnel is my up-coming trip to New Hampshire and a visit to Keepsake Quilting.  My goal is to have all of the quilting done before I go to NH and the house all painted, fingers crossed. I better shut-up and keep quilting! ;)

I'm linking up to day with Leah Day for FMQ Friday!

Free Motion Quilting Friday
Color Me Quilty!



  1. really are quilting that edge densely!

  2. Lovely colors for your top. I love your quilting! Your name is Leah?
    Love from Amsterdam

  3. its coming along beautifully!!! nice work!

  4. I *love* what you're doing with this!!

  5. Your quilting is beautiful! Love the texture. I really believe the quilting makes the quilt!

  6. The quilting on back looks really awesome! You're coming to NH, that's great! Can you email me where in NH we can meet up if you have time?
