
Monday, January 19, 2015

Backed and Basted

I love having a Monday holiday. Especially since my hubby has to go to work. I can get sew much done. I finished piecing the back for my Meadow quilt. Really happy with it.
 This is really a big quilt - queen sized. It is the largest quilt I've made so far. Well okay, I have made two queen sized quilts before, but they were done QAYG (quilt-as-you-go). This will be the largest I've quilted in one piece. It is so big I had to borrow longer boards and set two tables end to end (pushed all of my living room furniture over to fit the tables together) in order to baste it. I'm using Quilters Dream Wool, so I was able to spray baste. LOVE how soft this batting is.

 The boards I borrowed were from Quilters Corner (LQS), they are part of fancy basting frame. I just couldn't make the frame work, so I did it my way by wrapping the quilt on the boards (Click here to see my tutorial on how to spray baste using boards). Worked like a charm.
 I am a little concerned about free-motion quilting this quilt. With all of the curved piecing, I'm a bit afraid of puckers. This is another reason I choose spray basting and wool batting. I think spray basting holds the quilt together better with less shifting and the wool loft should help take up some of the slack. The other great thing about wool batting, it drapes so nicely. Can't wait to get this done and on this bed!
I'm going to have to make over this room to compliment this quilt!

Today I'm linking up with Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times

Color Me Quilty!



  1. my goodness THATS BIG!!!!!! will be wonderful though x

  2. Hey Pat, you are a brave woman to tackle such a large quilt! Looks really good so far!

  3. Hello Pat, I agree you are very brave to do such a huge quilt. I have not even done a full size bed quilt as of yet. I love finding new quilting blogs, it seems that I learn something new from each quilter I befriend. I can certainly learn from you. Shoot, I already have, just with this post :) I started quilting around a year and a half ago . . . once you have been bit by the quilting bug there's is no turning back.
    I am your newest follower. I would love to invite you over to my blog. I am celebrating my three years of blogging birthday and having a Give-A-Way. It's not much but it is handmade:)
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)
