
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Try New Things (TNT) Thursday: Curved Piecing Experiment!

YIKES! My Ellegante sewing machine broke last night! I only had just one small color left to stitch on the fish I was embroidering. She needs to go in for emergency surgery, her needle is stuck in the down position. I left the fish hooped in hopes I could finish it when I get my machine back. Doesn't she know how many embroidery and free motion presents she has left to complete!! Luckily, her little sister, Esante, is running. I can work on some Christmas projects with her.

To get my mind off of poor "Miss Elle", I decided to try stitching some curved pieces on "Miss Esante". This is something I've always wanted to try.

Two square of fabric, right side up

Free hand cut a gentle curve

Marked corresponding positions on the two pieces that I planned on sewing
Pinned and stitched

Viola! Curved piecing.
It wasn't prefect, but not bad for a first attempt. I will definitely use curved piecing in a quilt. This small success did help mollify my sadness over Miss Elle.

I'll be linking up with the wonderful Melissa at Happy Quilting for Try New Things (TNT) Thursday. Make sure you hop over to see all the wonderful new things people are trying!

Color Me Quilty!



  1. Awesome!! I learned how to do this for the first time at the Sewing Summit. And it totally has me wanting to do more curves. So fun!!!

  2. Yea for fabulous curved piecing! Sorry about the machine - hope she`s better soon.

  3. Aren't curves the most fun? It looks great!

  4. Great job! Piecing curves is a lot of fun once you figure it out. Yours look very nice!

  5. Oh, yea!! Way to rock those curves!!! :)

  6. Awesome - I'm going to try that someday too. :-)

  7. Fun! Someone in our quilt group made a long table runner with big curves for the edges, it was stunning!

  8. How nice! I tried curves before... can't say I was very good at it so I gave up. Maybe I should try again. Good job!

  9. Great job on your curved piecing! I haven't tried it yet, maybe someday soon I will get the courage to do it. Do you clip the seams after you sew it to help it lay flat?
