
Friday, April 27, 2012

Sew Cal Gal's April FMQ Challenge

Oh my gosh, I just loved Don Linn's method to mark quilts (click here to see my post on marking my quilt). I will most definitely be using this method again and again. Thank you Don! This month I also had a little fun with trying out a new fill stitch, wind stitch from Leah Day.

Back - A few thread blobs, but not too bad

Detail - I travel stitched the birds a few times to make the line darker and the bird stand out more.
The quilted space is approx. 12" x 12", I used Isacord thread. I think I will add a border and make this into a throw pillow. I really like how this turned out!

Of course I will be linking up with Sew Cal Gal for the April FMQ Challenge. Can't wait to see what everyone else stitched this month!

Color Me Quilty!



  1. So awesome, Pat. You should be proud of your work. I too love Isacord thread. I use it the most, with the best results.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Realmente estupendo. Me gusta mucho. Felicidades.

  3. Lovely, I like your filler work. I too use Isacord thread and love it.

  4. Truly amazing. I will need to re-read your mark up post again as I can't quite understand it - yet!! Love the red thread - like a drawing and VERY effective. Not familiar with Isacord thread.. will look it up on the web!

  5. Wow that looks awesome. How did you get the bird to stand out so much, did you use a different thread on the bird or go around multiple time? Almost looks 3d!

  6. Hi Pat,
    I love your design, the bird looks really cool. The color really pops on white background. Great job!


  7. Great job! This is amazing!
