
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Some Progress on Storybook # 2

Phew, I'm glad Thanksgiving is over, it's a lot of work! I cooked two turkeys this year. I actually take the legs off and debone them then brine the breast and legs. I cooked the legs and smaller of the two breasts the day before, makes things easier. I'm all about prepping, but I will tell you that the last two hours before we all sit down to eat are a killer. I'm still tired!

I have gotten some quilting done, albeit slowly. All of the blocks for my Storybook quilt # 2 are complete! Click here to see Storybook Quilt # 1  Quilt # 2 is almost the same as Quilt #1, just some slight variations to make them unique.
I figured out the layout of the blocks
Then I sandwiched all of the blocks, ready to quilt.
This quilt will be done with a Quilt-As-You-Go (QAYG) method, I like the control I have with smaller sections to FMQ.

Funny thing, I was so gung-ho to create this quilt at the beginning of the year, now I'm just ready for it to be completed!

I'm linking up with Leah Day at The Free Motion Quilting Project for UFO Sunday!

UFO Sundays on the Free Motion Quilting Project  

Color Me Quilty!



  1. Ha ha... yes, I worked harder Thanksgiving morning than most days that I go to work. (but it was a lot more fun!)

  2. This is great. It's going to be just as lovely as Story Book 1. Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving even if it was hard work :)

  3. Congratulations for getting over the hurdle of deciding what to do.

  4. I love the colors in your blocks... can't wait to see what you do quilting-wise!

  5. Fun blocks and fabrics. :D Hurray for getting UFOs finished!
