
Sunday, January 27, 2013

First Time On A Longarm!

I am a lucky girl! A friend just got a longarm machine in October and let me play with it yesterday. So the little baby quilt that I put together last week from some orphan blocks was just the ticket to use for this practice.
We had a little trouble with the thread breaking at the beginning. We added some fabric on the edges to practice. Just like on a domestic machine, it's best to use the same thread top and bobbin. Once we did that, it was smooth sailing.

I used Quilters Dream Puff batting and it gave me almost a trapunto look.
The hardest part was around the blocks. It was hard to stop the momentum of the machine in the smaller areas.

The back was pieced from my stash. By no means is the quilting even close to perfect, but I think it looks pretty good for a first time.

All in all, I had a good day. I'm not sure I'm ready to jump into longarm quilting, though. I like sitting at my domestic machine, I feel like I have better control. But I really like having the longarm option for certain quilts, it's a huge bonus. A big "THANK YOU" CHRIS!

Now I just need to trim and bind it. Yippee, Skippee!

I'm linking up with Leah Day for UFO Sunday at the Free Motion Quilting Project, since this quilt is using up some orphan blocks.

UFO Sundays on the Free Motion Quilting Project

Color Me Quilty!



  1. I think it looks great for the first time. I've never handled a long arm, not even at a quilt show. It has to be totally different from a home sewing machine. If nothing else you are moving the machine, not the quilt.

  2. Pat-that is so much fun to have your friend let you play on her machine. I don't know anyone with a long arm. I wish I had my own! By the way, I love the quilt. Stopping by from the Free Motion Quilting Project.

  3. Very pretty. I love the quilting and the colors are beautiful! I too am binding today. It's a very unseasonal warm day so I'm heading to the porch to do my hand work. Good luck on yours...

  4. I'll have to try that batting sometime- I really like the definition it gives. What a good way to use up some orphan blocks.

  5. That must have been great fun! And what a beautiful definition that batting gives.

  6. That looks beautiful! I've only played with a longarm at quilt shows in a vendor booth--never on a real quilt. I alternate between my domestic machine and an HQ Sweet Sixteen table-model that I sit down to. It gives me more space to work, but the same control as my sewing machine. Did you like moving the machine more than moving the quilt?

  7. I love the happy colors! I have GOT to get some of that batting.

  8. What great fun for you! Your quilting looks fantastic for a first timer.

  9. How fun! This sounds like a great experience and the quilting turned out lovely!

  10. Hey girl, you did great! It gets easier the more you do it, your muscles get stronger so you can control it better. I also have a friend who lets me use hers - what a bonus that is!!!

  11. HEy, that's really great for a first time!! And congrats on knocking down a UFO :)

  12. Great quilting! Looks like you have been LAQ for awhile. You have built up lots of brain muscle. Good to have the opportunity to try it out. I so love mine, but there is a definite learning curve. Just have fun has been so many people's advice. So I do!

  13. The colours on your quilt are wonderful and the quilting looks great.
