
Friday, January 25, 2013

Woohoo! Finished Quilting!

Oh Yeah! I finished quilting my Koi Pond quilt and I am in love with it. It is my "current" favorite quilt, of all of the quilts I've made so far.

I have never done straight line quilting and thought it would be a good time to start. So that's what I did with the outside border. I think it is a good contrast with the "fish scales" on the navy border.

The quilt is approx. 58"x78", pieced and quilted with Aurifil thread. Now I just need to trim and bind it.

I'm linking up with Leah Day at The Free Motion Project for FMQ Friday and Nat at Made at Home for TGIFF.
Free Motion Quilting Friday

Color Me Quilty! 



  1. I love it too! I've been admiring it over your last few posts and my kids have all admired it too! Well done you for finishing it.

  2. It turned out so wonderfully. You should be very proud. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  3. I love the idea of the fish scales! I really hope you're bringing this to the next guild meeting. :)

    I was looking through blogs on the couch a couple of weeks ago, and was looking at one of your in-process posts for this quilt. It is sufficiently impressive that it caught my boyfriend's attention away from whatever basketball game we were watching! He also thinks it's a very cool quilt, and I agree! :)

  4. turned out very nice...great job on the koi

  5. It's amazing Pat! I just love everything about it! And you did a fantastic job on the quilting - the motifs you chose are simply perfect :*)

  6. What a great idea to quilt fish scales in one of the borders!

  7. Beautiful! It's really a work of art.

  8. I have really enjoyed watching this evolve, you have mad FMQ skills. I'm amazed you do this on a domestic machine!

  9. gorgeous, I've been watching this *become* love the fish, the quilting, everything

  10. I have to admit when I first saw this quilt, with only the top and no quilting, I wasn't sure about it. But once the carp were on it, I began to fall in love. And now that the free motion is finished, I'm amazed. It is so rich! And the strait line quilting in the outer border was a perfect final touch.

  11. Love love love it! That straight quilting in the outer border is the perfect touch.

  12. Woo hoo! Way to go, Pat! It's beautiful! LOVE it!

  13. Beautifully quilted! I especially like the straightline quilting in the border.

  14. Yeah - the straight lines look great next to the fish scales. This is all so fun!!

  15. Pat your quilting is amazing. Love what is in the green border. You have come along way in your quilting skills. Your perseverance and practice has definitely paid off. Great job.

  16. Wow, this looks amazing Pat, I love the effect of the quilting with the fabric colours!
