
Monday, September 29, 2014

Cut To Pieces

I do love fall, the start of serious sewing season. I worked on two different quilts this weekend, my MQG/Michael Miller challenge and my Galloping thru the Meadow quilt. I'm not ready to show you my challenge quilt, it needs some serious changes made...time for the seam ripper! But my Meadow quilt, I'm quite pleased. I have all of the pieces cut and the flower centers pieced. Yippee, skippee!!!

The outer edge is navy, not black! Really hard to take great pictures with it still dark in the morning!

Only the first two blocks are pieced and with the curved pieces the rest will take some time. But so far, I am really pleased with how this quilt is turning out. Love the fabrics and the colors.

Today I'm linking up with Anything Goes Monday at Stitch by Stitch

Color Me Quilty!



  1. Hi Pat! This looks fantastic! What a great pattern and you have picked perfect Fabrics! x Teje

  2. Love your color choice and fabric combination

  3. Gorgeous quilt. Love the fabrics and placement
