
Friday, October 21, 2011

YAHOO! It's Free Motion Friday

I can't tell you how much I look forward to Friday. It's the end of the work week, but more importantly it's Free Motion Friday link-up over at Fluffy Sheep Quilting! I have an excuse to play and doodle with my sewing machine needle. To think that I had never dropped my feed dogs until just a few months ago. My mom never did any free motion quilting. Finally my years of doodling (first in class, then at work) are starting to pay off!

Leah Day's Slate Tile

My Front

My Back

 Last Tuesday I decided to add Drop Art andShadow Wave to my FMQ Sampler Quilt, I think with some success. Sew, this week I added Slate Tile to the quilt.

This week I really worked on my "travel" stitches (retracing already stitched lines). I think I did okay. There is a lot more to think about when you add the designs to a quilt, such as how to go around corners, fit it to the space, etc. But I guess that's why I started a FMQ sampler to practice all of those things. One of the big take-aways from this week was having your sewing at a comfortable level. I stitched this quilt block yesterday at my retreat and the chairs were lower and tables higher than I have at home. Much harder to stitch that way. Ergonomics matters!

Just for fun I stitched some flowers in the center blocks. Here's a close up of one of them.

 Finally, thank you to all of the other FMQer's that said such nice things last week. Your encouragement means the world to me!

Well, just Color Me Quilty!



  1. Oh wow! I love that you are already incorporating these new talents into a quilt! Whew hew...those flowers are stunning. So did you enjoy the slate tiles? I found it kind of boring until I switched up the sizing a bit...then it was more creative I think. Can't wait to see next week!

  2. Wow, you're quilting is brilliant. Especially those flowers. I think that must be week 56!
    One thing I've learnt from your sample quilt is that a patterned fabric is far more forgiving. Of course, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with yours, but any mistakes would get hidden in the fabric. We are practicing with dark thread on light fabric so that we can see it - and all the mistakes too!

  3. A-maz-ing! Your fmq is brilliant, I am in awe of the flowers :)

  4. Amazing! Your quilting is just perfect.

  5. This is fabulous. I love that you are sharing your imaginative use of the FMQ as well. It looks lovely round those flowers!

  6. Wow love that flower!
    Your slate tiles look great. And a fab idea to do a FMQ sampler. That's one of the things I stuggle with about Leah's designs how to translate them onto a quilt!

  7. Pat,
    Nice work. And a sampler - what a good idea. Your fmq looks perfect to me.
    Jodi B

  8. Your quilting is looking fabulous! Great job!

  9. I like your sampler idea and I see that it is not so much about the stitches but the texture you are creating - so one or two wobbles don't really matter on a quilt! Phew!

    But great job and glad you are having so much fun! Me too!

  10. A-MAZING! Love your quilt - the slates look beautiful and that flower is to die for!

  11. aren't retreats just the best! I leave for one on Thursday and can't wait! Your sampler is smashing - what a qreat idea. So many projects - too little time.

  12. wow, these are perfect! Love the flowers too!

  13. Wow! I love the idea of a sampler FMQ quilt. What a great way to apply your practiced stitches! Your tiles look great and your flowers are beauties :)

  14. These are fabulous - you're really taking it to the next step!
