
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Little Heartburn Among Other Things!

It was such fun to stitch out this week's homework from Leah Day. It consisted of stitching a shape, such as a heart, into the middle of some of the designs we already know, such as sharp stippling. When you combine the  two you get Heartburn! ;)

Heartburn - Hearts and sharp stipple

Flowering Loop de Loop - four petal flowers with the loopy line

Whirlpools - stipple and spiral

Flowing Feathers - feathers with flowers.

The back
The best part was that although none of these design were perfect, or even that good, I didn't have a single thread break or birds nest or anything. All I had to do is just stitch. YAHOO! I used a piece of batting - poly extra-loft that I picked up to do my Library quilt. Not really thrilled with stitching on it, but it might be I just need to get used to it.

So my question for Leah today is about batting. I know that you like to use a higher loft poly batting and your pretty much stick to one kind. You probably have told us before, but what brand do you use? What do you like about this batting compared with others of this same type?

On to other projects this week, Yippee Skippee, I finished another WIP!

I'm pretty pleased with how well this pillow turned out. It's for my grandson T's 4th birthday, September 13th! And this means I'm down to six WIPs!

Stats for  WIP Wednesday!
In-process: (6)
Purple heart wall hanging ( needs borders, backing, quilting and binding)
Expanding Possibilities quilt (Continue to quilt)
Storybook quilt # 2 - All embroidery is done
Geneva Public Library quilt - join and quilt (maybe make a block or two to even it out)
Sew Cal Gal's April FMQ Challenge - Need to make into a pillow.
Sew Cal Gal June FMQ Challenge - Need to bind.

New projects: (0)
No new projects this week!

Finished (1)
Sew Cal Gal's May FMQ Challenge - Made it into a pillow!

I'm linking up with  Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday and The Free Motion Quilting Project for QAL Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
Free Motion Quilt Along

Color Me Quilty!



  1. I love the flowers with the loopy lines - great idea! That train pillow is seriously adorable!! I love it and I bet your grandson will, too!!

  2. The quilting is fun and the titles... LOVE them. You have a flair for combining one design with another and coming up with something totally right for each other.

  3. Love the train and great train track border!!

  4. I love your train pillow. Terrific quilting and the border is so perfect. You are right on top of these quilt designs. I love the names you have given each.

  5. Love your FMQ variations - the feather is just inspired!

  6. What neat ideas, thanks. Love them all

  7. Always enjoy seeing FMQ inspiration. Lovely pillow for your grandson.

  8. Your train pillow is wonderful. I love the train track boarder!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  9. VERY creative - with the stitching and the naming!

  10. All your FMQ designs look nice. My favorites are definitely the loop de loop flower and free-form feather.

    Oh that pillow looks lovely!

  11. I love the Flowering Loop de Loop! So Nice!

  12. I love the flowery loops and the whirlpools, very nice indeed. And what a cute pillow!

  13. Heart Burn accurately describes how I feel when I attempt the sharp stipple. You say the designs are not perfect, I think they are wonderfully done. All of them.

  14. Oh, how cute!! I loved the loop de loop flower & free-form feather designs. The pillow is amazing & spot on with the detail. Great job!

  15. I really like your FMQ combos...especially with their names.
