
Monday, April 1, 2013

Fresh Sewing Day April

A new month, a new fresh start, a chance to look back and see what progress I made.

Express Your Love quilt - channel quilting, geometric braids, my world
Queen of Hearts purse
Easter Egg potholder
My Grandmother's quilt top
YA YA's machine embroidery
Bad to the Bone towels
Baby Wrenly/fleece quilt

I'm linking up with Lynne at Lily's Quilts for Fresh Sewing Day.
Color Me Quilty!


  1. Such a great idea Pat! To look at what you have accomplished! Sometimes we can be tempted to see only what we haven't done. As always you have so many different things to share. That is what i like best about following your blog. Your quilting has improved leaps and bounds! Privileged to share a bit in your journey!

  2. Such a pretty and colorful mosaic Pat!

  3. You've been busy, Pat! It's so nice to see everything in one spot. Lovely projects!
    Julie @ The Crafty Quilter

  4. There are some lovely projects in your mosaic - beautiful!

  5. I love this! I'm going to have to do the same thing every month! You've gotten soooo much done!
