
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

WIP Wednesday # 2: Making Progress

It's W.I.P. Wednesday, time to link-up over at Freshly Pieced. Well, I feel like I had a productive week (of course I did have a 3 day sewing retreat).

1. Finished my third quilty purse: successful birthday present

2. Finished the Ladies of the Lake Pillows: 1st Christmas Present Complete
3. Lock stitched (stitched in the ditch ) my Cubic Rhythm quilt

4. I also worked on my Hip to Be Square FMQ Sampler and FMQ samples
Hip to Be Square
Slate Tiles

Weekly statistics:
In-process: (6)
Hip to be Square FMQ sampler (14 out of 30 blocks quilted)
Cubic Rhythm (lock stitched)
Table runner
Purple heart wall hanging
Expanding Possibilities quilt
Free-Motion practice samples (Slate tiles - linked up at Fluffy Sheep Quilting)

New projects in the cue to start: (2)
FLMQG solids challenge crib quilt (Not started)
New Wave quilt (not started

Projects completed this week: (2)
Quilty purse #3
Ladies of the Lake pillows

I hope I can be as productive next week! Time to hop on over to Freshly Pieced and see what everyone else accomplished this week.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Well, just Color Me Quilty!



  1. Very productive!! I going to have to start doing stats to keep check on myself but I already know I can't cross anything of yet - eeekkk!

  2. Holy productivity- nice! Your cubic quilt is beautiful! I love the colors.

  3. Excellent production! Everything looks great! Your slate tiles look so neat! And you actually traveled on your traveling stitches. I can never do that! Looks like you had a great week!

  4. Productive seems like a bit of an under statement! You sewed up a storm by the looks of it. ;) Beautiful stitches BTW on your slate tiles.

  5. What a productive week! Your quilty purse is so cute and your slate tiles are great! :)

  6. Very Productive! Someday I am going to go on a sewing retreat, very jealous. :)

  7. Wow - nice results this week! I love your Cubic Rhythm design!

  8. Hi! You have so many wonderful projects and finishes! I love that bag, pillows and generally you use so beautiful fabrics and amazing colours! You are very talented!
    Thank you for your visit! Teje

  9. Wonderful projects. The bag is so pretty and those pillows are great. Enjoyed my visit.
