
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Jester's Hat - Sew Cal Gal's August FMQ Challenge

This month's Sew Cal Gal's FMQ Challenge tutorial was from Wendy Sheppard showing us her "Jester's Hat". I immediately loved the curly design and set out to add it to my repertoire of stitches.  I always draw a new motif before I try to stitch it. With this design I drew and drew and drew it - in a word, I struggled.

One of numerous attempts to draw Jester's Hat
Then something clicked, I realized that the second swirl of the first hat was the first swirl of the second hat. The hats flipped direction, but you could pivot on the swirl. Depending on how big you draw the second swirl, you can fill in spaces on the quilt.
Adding the little flare in the middle of the hat seemed to help me remember where I was in the design. I also really like the look of this version.

This motif was the last section of my wonky/improv quilt. Now to trim and bind and I'm done.

Thank you to Wendy Sheppard and Sew Cal Gal for the wonderful opportunity to learn fun new FMQ designs. I have completed all of the FMQ challenges to date.

July Challenge
June Challenge
May Challenge
April Challenge
March Challenge
February Challenge
January Challenge

Today I'm linking up with Sew Cal Gal for the August FMQ Challenge and with Happy Quilting for TNT Thursday.

Color Me Quilty!



  1. Wow that's so crazy fancy! I've only just begun FMQing but I love it. I've heard of the challenge but haven't tried it yet. Maybe I should take a look. I love your variation too!

  2. LOVE your jester's hat stitching! Way to stick with it until you were able to make it yours and add it to your stitch list :*)

  3. Cool variation! Great job on sticking with the challenge.

  4. Wow, it looks impressive! I'm not surprised you were struggling first, it's not an easy design at all. Great job figuring it out!

  5. The Jester's Hat is a way fun quilting pattern. You did a great! It looks like you have gotten the thread challenges under hand, congrats!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  6. That looks great, and your little flick in the middle really adds to the design

  7. Great job...your stitching looks wonderful.

  8. I just love your fmq!!! So beautiful!!!
