Monday, October 22, 2012

QED October Winner

Source Gene Black An Alabama Artist and Quilter
Well, it's easy to pick this month's winner, there was only one entry. Gene Black, An Alabama Artist and Quilter. Gene shared this cool machine quilting with an embroidery machine. Always wanted to try that!

Gene is truly a talented artist, you really need to check out his blog. I love his use of bright colors and very cool hand stitching. Check out this quilt he calls....
String Theory
Source Gene Black An Alabama Artist and Quilter
Gene wins this cool little quilt kit
Gene, I will be emailing you shortly to get your mailing information.
Now, due to low participation, this will be the last month for Quilty Embellishment Day. It has been loads of fun to see everyone fabulous embellished quilt projects, but I think it's time to say good bye to QED on the 15th. Thank you to everyone that has participated.
Color Me Quilty!


  1. Thanks Pat. I hate to see QED go away though. I have really enjoyed the inspiration.

  2. Thank you for the link-ups and inspiration Pat. I'm sorry to see it go too (and for my late comment).
