
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Fresh Sewing Finishes for 2012

WOW! We are now in 2013, survived the end of the Mayan Calendar ;) ! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Time to look back and see what I finished this past year, more than I thought.

Quilts finished in 2012 (baby and larger)

Miscellaneous quilty project finishes 2012
Mini quilt finishes 2012
I also created a number of tutorials, tricks and tips
One Seam Flying Geese Tutorial
Gluing Bindings
QAYG large sashing
QAYG narrow sashing
Gothic Windows Block Tuorial
Buttonholes on a Babylock
Quick Curve Ruler
Quilting with Decorative Stitches
FMQ with Metallic Thread 
Charming Gothic Pin Cushion 
Quilt Marking for FMQ 
 Rose Window Block Tutorial
Goin' Fribbon Egg-Shaped blockTutorial
Machine Quilting: Starting, Stopping and Tying Off 
FMQ - The Most Basic Beginning Steps 
Faux Piped Binding Tutorial 
Fabric Dyeing Primer


  1. impressive collection of quilting pat have had an amazing year

  2. Incredible projects, Pat! I especially love the one on the right in your top mosaic with all the flying geese!

  3. You had a fab year, I have loved seeing all your FMQing :)

  4. Great Makes, I ezpecially like your free motion quilting on the single piece of cloth - just beautiful:)

  5. You are an inspiration with all these finished projects. I love the pillows, especially the red and tan one. Happy New Year!

  6. so many wonderful projects - such an incredible stockpile of inspiration! Congrats on a fabulous year!

  7. Wow, you were so productive this year! Congratulations :)

  8. I love your quilt made with the curved ruler. I have to make one in 2013!
