Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Finished Quilting My FMQ Sampler!!!

Look what my dear sweet husband sent to me at work yesterday! He's the BEST!
 I have been quilting my Hip to be Square/FMQ Sampler since last summer! Now all 30 blocks (the quilt is approx. 60" x 72") are quilted, all differently. Here are the last two blocks that I completed last night. I know this isn't exactly Leah's lesson this week, but it is quilting an actual quilt and I did start in the middle and work out.

I was inspired by Leah Day's post yesterday about stippling to give texture.

I stitched some random lines and then stippled on a very small scale around them

I was quite pleased with the effect.

This was the last block. A simple loop de loop. I thought it was a tribute to finish with a very simple design!
I know I've already shown these blocks, but here are the rest of the blocks I quilted this week.

So my questions for Leah this week is regarding batting. What type of batting do you normally use? Do you use different batting for different types of projects? Without doing trapunto, which batting would best show off the quilting in the top block? (Sorry Leah if I'm asking more than my allotted questions)

Hopefully by next week I will have the quilt trimmed, the binding on and a mosaic of all the different blocks.

Other projects this week include creating a block and writing a tutorial. Woohoo, I'm guest blogging tomorrow for Melissa at Happy Quilting for tomorrow's Try New Things Thursday. I can only show you a sneak peak.
The block is made from 3 jelly roll sized strips of fabric.

So, my stats this week are:
In-process: (5)
Hip to be Square FMQ sampler (All 30 blocks quilted, just need to trim and bind)
Purple heart wall hanging ( needs borders, backing, quilting and binding)
Expanding Possibilities quilt (needs backing, quilting and binding)
Storybook quilt # 1 -  All blocks are quilted
Storybook quilt # 2 - All embroidery is done
Quokka Quilts QAYGFMQQAL quilt (7 blocks quilted)

New projects in the cue to start: (3)
FLMQG solids challenge crib quilt (Not started)
New Wave quilt (not started)
Sewing Machine Cover - pieced, basted, started FMQ

Finished (1)
New block with tutorial for guest blog at Happy Quilting.

I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday, The Free Motion Quilting Project for Quilt A Long Wednesday!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced



Color Me Quilty!



  1. Wow, nice flowers!! And great quilting!!

  2. I think I have said it before, but I will say it again...I'm really loving this quilt!

  3. Congratulations on finishing your sampler. And I love your textured quilting.

  4. Your textured quilting looks absolutely fabulous! I'm very impressed Leah writes one day, and practically the same day you are putting it into practice. Brilliant!

  5. Your texturequilting looks very good.

  6. I love your quilt and the FMQ as well as the texturing looks great! Congratulations on getting it together. I'll stayed tuned to see the finished quilt! ~Jeanne

  7. Beautiful job, Pat - I really like the texture that the stippling added to your piece.

  8. That's great! Congratulations on finishing your quilt, Pat. You must be so excited. I love the stippling for texture. I tried that on my quilt too after reading Leah's post. It came out good :-).

  9. Love the texture with the stippling... I'm looking forward to your post at Happy Quilting! :-)

  10. I love what you did with the texturing, I was inspired the same way. Perhaps as long as we use what Leah does, it counts? Congrats on completely quilting your quilt! Amazing job.

  11. There are absolutely no rules to link up guys - just post what you're quilting and any questions you have about it, even if it doesn't match up with the week's tutorial.

    I love your sampler quilt Pat! Those funky batiks make me want to go cut up half my stash to make a similar quilt of my own!


  12. Ive been practicing stippling and feathers this week. I think your quilting looks great!
