Over the past few years, several blogs have offer free-motion Fridays. I miss the practice and the camaraderie. So my question is, would anyone else like to join up to quilt?
The idea came to me when I spied a Alison Glass jelly roll. I just fell in love with the colors.
I already had a ton of solids and some mini charms I picked up at QuiltCon. I just cut them into various sizes. Yesterday I spent the day surrounding them with the jelly roll stripes.
I don't have them all done yet and the layout hasn't been finalized. But look at all that lovely open space to quilt. I thought that the alternate grid and various sizes would give us a chance to experiment with some different fills and motifs.
If anyone else would like to play along, you can create your own layout or I can give you the dimensions of my blocks. I could have a link-up on Fridays with a block a week and we can share our questions with each other and hopefully our solutions. If you don't have a blog, you can post your picture on Flickr or even my Facebook page.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you and linking up with
Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times
Color Me Quilty!