It has been wayyyyyyy too long since I posted something here, but
losing my dear corgi buddy Humphrey was very difficult. Both my vet and best friend said don't wait to get a new pup, start looking right away, but know exactly what you want. I said I wanted a slightly older (not a puppy) corgi, different coloring than Humphrey, maybe a tri-color, maybe a show dog that didn't make it in the ring. Guess what? The universe provided in spades! Meet Simon Kenton., aka (just plain) Simon. Registered name Edenfaire Treat or Treat (he was born on Halloween 2013). He was supposed to be a show dog, but for some reason, he didn't quite make it. Yay for me! Simon has already stolen my heart.
Simon is a handsome boy and very, very sweet. He has lots to learn about being a family pet, but he's smart and is figuring it out as we go. Yesterday Simon and I were finally able to spend some quality time in my sewing room. Yippee, Skippee! My husband likes to name the dogs, so
click here to learn more about the origin of Simon Kenton
I walked he little legs to stumps, he was then content to sleep while I quilted. |
I like this off-center flower combined with straight lines.
This was also a fun block to quilt. I love the organic quality of the quilting in little colored squares
Stippling can also work well when filling in an area.
I was able to quilt several blocks on my
quilt-as-you-go project. I love how they turned out. Even though this is Monday and not Friday, feel free to post pictures of your quilting project on my
Facebook page (click here).
I plan to be back much more frequently, of course that does depend on Simon cooperating.
Color Me Quilty!