Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Going with the Flow

Leah Day's homework this week was flowing lines. What a great FMQ motif! I love how it looks stitched out into my Expanding Possibilities quilt.
I was easily able to go around a corner with this design
I'm still getting a few thread "burps" (the thread just sort of explodes out into a birds nest, but more on the top of the quilt and just little on the bottom). I think it is because this quilt is so heavy, it pulls and my machine doesn't like it.  (I can just hope that my dear hubby will read this post and will buy me a Gidget II table for Christmas!!!)  Any convincing argument to get him to buy it for me for Christmas????  I mean, I have been bad this year, I bought a new machine! How do I say this nicely, the man is frugal, his hobby is doing our cost book!

On to other projects! I was pretty good this week working on several projects on the WIP list!

My library quilt is getting close to completion. All quilted, and I have the blocks joined into rows.

Now to get the rows into a quilt! Then I need to bind it, attach a rod pocket to hang it and a label. Almost there!

I also pulled out a WIP/UFO that has been on my list since last fall and started working on it, my Purple Hearts quilt.
I added and embroidered the borders. Now to baste and quilt it.

My stats for the week:
In-process: (4)
Purple heart wall hanging
( needs backing, quilting and binding)
Expanding Possibilities quilt (Continue to quilt)
Storybook quilt # 2 - All embroidery is done
Geneva Public Library quilt - join and quilt

New projects: (0)

Finished (0)

I'm linking up with  Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday and The Free Motion Quilting Project for QAL Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
Free Motion Quilt Along

Color Me Quilty!



  1. Your FMQ looks fabulous! Love it!

  2. Instead of being bad, try being a little naughty, lol ... Might help make your case for the table ;)

  3. Love the FMQ. Looks great. And that purple heart quilt is stunning!

  4. Your flowing lines look great and I absolutely love your library quilt!

  5. Fabulous job. Every quilter needs a good cabinet/table whether they have been naughty or nice.

    One thought about the thread - is it unspooling easily? Sometimes thread isn't wound correctly to begin with, you can tell if it doesn't unspool uniformly or if the thread remaining on the spool begins to have serpentine type divots. Some spools need to unwind in a vertical position, while others are happier in a horizontal position. Unspooling correctly is vital to avoid bird's nests and breaking thread.

  6. Thread burps - I like that, as do I like that FMQ. Hope you are well!

  7. Flowing Lines is perfect for your Expanding Possibilities quilt!

    Dear Pat's Hubby,

    I know what your wife wants for Christmas. It's a Gidget 2 sewing table. The company Arrow makes them. It is vital to her creative happiness that she gets one. Also, think of all the joy you will feel in your heart when you see how delighted she is to open the present she wants so badly. After all, 'tis better to give than receive, right?

    Danielle Hudson

    p.s. Feel free to let my husband know I want one to(badly);)

  8. Flowing lines looks great in the border! Love it! ~Jeanne

  9. I'm intrigued by the Geneva square! hmmm... I went to a school called that!

    Love your quilting too at the top. Looks terrific! I like that idea for sure!

  10. The flowing lines look great on that quilt!

  11. Your flowing lines look great and I love your library blocks. Good luck with finding a way to procure a Gidget ll table :)

  12. Hello Peeps,

    I've just had a skim through all your work, It's really great! and I like the way you all find solutions when it might not work first time. I've fallen off the program a while back but am hoping to get back in soon. I've loads of samples to post up - will be back soon.
