Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Play Time

Before I show you some of the things I've been playing with this week, I should show you my Leah Day homework!
Jagged Lines
I stitched this left to right and you can see that it took a few rows to get into the groove. I think on just the right quilt, this could be a really cool pattern. I had just a little problem with thread shredding, you can see the spot on a diagonal line, but for the most part it stitched smoothly.

I have been doing a lot of FMQ this week on my Expanding Possibilities quilt (the one that has given me so much grieve to stitch). And while I still don't have my insert for my sewing table yet, the new set up is working pretty well. (Leah, I'm really enjoying your sewing room organization posts)

I have three birds marked for the top section of the quilt.
I have been participating in Sew Cal Gal's FMQ Challenge all year and this month we played with different threads. I was a little concerned about this because I've had so many problems FMQ. But to my great surprise, all but one of the threads stitched just fine.

Click here to see all the different threads I used. What surprised me the most is how much I liked stitching with silk thread.
This was a really old spool of silk thread that was in my mom's stash. It really stitched beautifully. I might try this again.

On my Elephant quilt project, I played around and designed my first block. I wrote up a tutorial on how to make this block if your curious.
Since this quilt isn't a Christmas present, it doesn't have a high priority. That's probably why I really WANT to work on it!

And now for some shameless begging for your vote! No, not the presidential vote, the Blogger's Quilt Festival voting. Nomination starts tomorrow! I would be ever so grateful if my quilt was nominated in the best baby quilt and/or best home machine quilted. Then of course, if my quilt is nominated, I'll need your vote to win.

Baby Urban Nine Patch!
My quilt is number 276  - Favorite Baby Quilt and/or Favorite Home Machine Quilted
November 1 – 4 Nominations are made
November 5 -8 Vote for your favorites
November 9 Winners announced

Go to Amy Creative Side: Blogger's Quilt Festival Fall 2012

My stats for the week:
In-process: (4)
Purple heart wall hanging  (quilting and binding)
Expanding Possibilities quilt (Continue to quilt)
Elephant quilt
Storybook quilt # 2 - All embroidery is done

New projects: (0)

Finished (0)
I'm linking up with  Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday and The Free Motion Quilting Project for QAL Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
Free Motion Quilt Along

Color Me Quilty!



  1. You have been busy! Love your spirals! ~Jeanne

  2. Silk is nice to stitch with......but EXPENSIVE!! I will nominate you!! Have they started nominations yet??

  3. Congrats Pat! I'll definitely vote for your beautiful quilt, which makes me drool every time I see it by the way.

    Lovely border with the Ocean Current swirling around the birds! You're making me really want to go quilt!

  4. These are wonderful! Great job with the FMQ. Isn't Leah just awesome to share all that knowledge?
