Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wednesday Roundup!

Let me start be saying, I LOVE quilt painting. So when I saw that Leah's homework this week was painting, I was all in! I haven't done a lot of quilt painting, but what I have done is so fun.

I have a bit of an amateur background in watercolor painting. This is a bit different, but still lots of fun. I just own a starter pack of this paint, so I just have a smattering of colors. What I found difficult was mixing paints (while on the palette)  to get different colors. I found I could paint over colors to get different colors, notice the centers of the flowers and then interior of the petals, I layered colors. So my question for Leah, do you buy each color you want or is there a way to mix them?

Today is also Quilty Embellishment Day for August. So for anyone who wants to link up some embellished quilty projects from this past month and have a chance to win 1/2 yard of my hand-dyed fabric. Click here for my QED post.
1/2 yard of hand-dyed fabric. Giveaway for QED

The only other thing I worked on this week was my wonky/improv quilt. Just a few more sections FMQ.

Stats for  WIP Wednesday!
In-process: (8)
Wonky/Improve QAL quilt -  (Continue to quilt)
Purple heart wall hanging ( needs borders, backing, quilting and binding)
Expanding Possibilities quilt (Continue to quilt)
Storybook quilt # 2 - All embroidery is done
Geneva Public Library quilt - join and quilt (maybe make a block or two to even it out)
Sew Cal Gal's April FMQ Challenge - Need to make into a pillow.
Sew Cal Gal's May FMQ Challenge - Need to make into a pillow
Sew Cal Gal June FMQ Challenge - Need to bind.

New projects: (0)
No new projects this week! I'm not counting this little painted sample.

Finished (0)

I'm linking up with  Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday and The Free Motion Quilting Project for QAL Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
Free Motion Quilt Along

Color Me Quilty!



  1. That looks so cool. Opens up a whole new world!

  2. I LOVE the silver flowers. So beautiful!

  3. I love your painting- it gives the flowers so much more depth and vibrancy.

  4. I haven't tried any quilt painting at all. Your flowers are neat!

  5. Love your layers for making the colors exactly what you wanted. Lovely work!

  6. It all looks great, Pat. And, I love the quilting on your wonky quilt.

  7. Great job on fmq-ing on domestic machine... I am on a project to finish up my quilt with fmq too..great inspiration hopping here
